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Fundraising Gala

Special Thanks to our Fundraising Gala Sponsors

Neighborhood Healthcare’s Casino Royale Fundraising Gala is scheduled for Saturday, September 9th, 5:30-9:00 pm at Lexus Escondido. The evening will feature a dining experience with Vintana Restaurant, along with elegance, intrigue, fun, and adrenaline-packed, Bond-like experiences! This will be another phenomenal evening with many opportunities to give back and help Neighborhood. Our goal this year is to surpass last year’s funds raised allowing us to support a second Mobile Dental Health Center for children.

As you may know, Neighborhood enjoys a strong relationship with our local school districts and we appreciate the opportunities to partner, where there is need. Our first Mobile Dental Health Center began operating in two School Districts in Riverside County (Jurupa & San Jacinto) in December of last year. It now sees a full schedule of children, Monday through Friday. With your help, our second Mobile Dental Health Center will serve children in North San Diego County. As we continue to grow, we will seek expansion of this vital and important service for children in all the communities we serve.

For more information about sponsorship packages and event details, contact us philanthropy@NHcare.org.