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+ Neighborhood Noticias

San Diego County Employees Support Early Literacy

Reach out and Read

In April 2020, Neighborhood received a $1,000 grant from The San Diego County Employees’ Charitable Organization (CECO) for Neighborhood’s Reach Out and Read Program. CECO has been a long-time supporter of our organization, providing grant funding for over 10 years!

This CECO grant provided 407 books for our pediatric patients between the ages of 0-5 years old. Patients seen at Neighborhood for a Well-Child visit in this age range receive a brand-new language and age-appropriate book to take home and enjoy with their families!

Reading Corner at El Cajon
Reading corners in the lobby create interest in reading!

Early literacy is proven to support early childhood development and address social determinants of health- the conditions in the environments in which people are born, live, learn, work, and play. The earliest months in a child’s life are critical to the development of language and literacy. Our pediatricians “prescribe” reading for the patient, encouraging the families to spend time each day dedicated to reading aloud together.

Thank you to San Diego County Employees’ Charitable Organization, and to every single County employee and retiree who contribute to make these grants possible.

For more information, or to support the Neighborhood’s Reach Out and Read Program, contact Amber Berkey, Development Manager, at amber.berkey@nhcare.org or 760-690-5942.