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Women’s Early Detection

Expert, Personal Care

NeighborhoodEl amable equipo de Salud de la Mujer se compromete a proporcionarle una atención de calidad para garantizar su salud y felicidad en todas las etapas de la vida. Ofrecemos una gama completa de servicios de salud de la mujer, incluyendo control de la natalidad, exámenes de mama y de cuello uterino, exámenes de bienestar de la mujer y el asesoramiento.

Our goal is always to ensure you feel safe, comfortable, and confident with your decision, every step of the way.

Cribado mamario y cervical

Las afecciones no deseadas pueden presentarse sin apenas aviso, razón por la cual las revisiones periódicas del cuello uterino y las mamas son tan importantes para la salud de toda mujer.

Los cribados cervicales, también conocidos como "citologías" o "pruebas de Papanicolaou", ayudan a identificar signos de células precancerosas o cancerosas en el cuello uterino. Si el cribado muestra algún signo anormal, el profesional sanitario le ayudará a elaborar un plan con las medidas más adecuadas.

Los cribados mamarios ayudan a identificar signos de cáncer de mama. Si el cribado revela algún signo anómalo, puede someterse a más pruebas y su médico le explicará los pasos a seguir.

Exámenes para mujeres sanas

Las revisiones anuales son una parte importante de la atención sanitaria para todas las mujeres. Le dan la oportunidad de reunirse con su médico para hablar de cuidados preventivos y ver si necesita que la vea un especialista por cualquier motivo. Las visitas de bienestar de la mujer pueden incluir pruebas de detección, evaluaciones y asesoramiento, en función de sus necesidades. Como parte de la visita de la mujer sana, se pueden realizar pruebas de cérvix y de mama.

Why regular check-ups matter

Cervical cancer was once one of the most common causes of cancer death for American women. The cervical cancer death rate dropped significantly with the increased use of the Pap test. Cervical cancer tends to occur in midlife and is most frequently diagnosed in women between the ages of 35 and 44. Learn more from a Neighborhood health professional.

Cervical Cancer Treatment

Did your doctor tell you that you have abnormal cervical cells after a pap test or tell you that you have HPV? There is a lot of misinformation about these diagnoses and we’re here to clear up any misconceptions. Please schedule an appointment to learn about your plan of treatment and to get all your questions and concerns answered.

Why regular check-ups matter when you are sexually active

Visiting a doctor for regular check-ups is an important part of staying healthy. When you are having sex, those visits become even more essential.

Being sexually healthy includes getting tested and treated for any infections or diseases. Here are the tests you should discuss at regular checkups if you are sexually active — and why they are important.

HPV and pap tests

Human papillomavirus is the most common sexually transmitted infection. While the infection can go away on its own, certain types of HPV cause genital warts and cancer.

Anyone can get HPV and pass it to someone else during sex, but only people with vaginas can be tested. This involves a doctor taking cells from the cervix for testing. If a test comes back positive for HPV, the doctor will do a pap test — also called a pap smear or cervical screening — which follows a similar process to the HPV test. That test will show if there are abnormal cells in the cervix that could lead to cervical cancer.

There is no cure for HPV, but warts may go away on their own or with treatment. Because having HPV means you might get cancer in the future, you’ll want to continue getting regular pap tests. However, you can prevent HPV with a vaccination, which you can ask for at a regular checkup.

Even if you don’t have HPV, you should plan to get a pap test starting in your early 20s and get both an HPV and a pap test every five years.

You can start regular checkups with the help of Neighborhood Healthcare, which offers in-person and video appointments, as well as free and low-cost options to eligible patients. Schedule online at nhcare.org or by calling 833-867-4642.