راسل طبيبك
Cheryl Thompson
+ Neighborhood Clinician Detail

Cheryl Thompson, MD

MD | Family Medicine

Provider Since 2009

Loma Linda University School of Medicine

Dr. Thompson joined the Neighborhood Healthcare team out of a desire to enhance the wellness of the community. As a doctor at Neighborhood Healthcare, she’s able to live and work near family and friends as well as utilize the training she received in a community health center near the San Diego/Tijuana border. She is dedicated to helping her patients achieve their goals. Dr. Thompson is a member of the San Diego County Medical Society, American Academy of Family Physicians, and the California Academy of Family Physicians. She strives to advance the care that Neighborhood Healthcare provides as she has a special interest in healthcare improvement initiatives.

488 Downtown Escondido
+ Neighborhood مواقع

Escondido - Downtown Escondido.


488 إيست فالي باركواي ، جناح 411 ، إسكونديدو كاليفورنيا 92025

احصل على الاتجاهات


Mon | 8am-5pm (closed 12:00pm-1:00pm)
Tue | 8am-5pm (closed 12:00pm-1:00pm)
Wed | 8am-5pm (closed 12:00pm-1:00pm)
Thu | 8am-5pm (closed 12:00pm-1:00pm)
Fri | 8am-5pm (closed 12:00pm-1:00pm)

